
5 Advantages & Disadvantages Of Personal Health Record APP (PHR)

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Personal Health Record Application? It is so far enjoying wide acceptance in the health sector, the more reason why it is essential to take a look at its advantages & disadvantages of Personal Health Record .

Note, that there is always two side to almost everything, the good part and it shortcomings.

The focus of this content will be on discussing the advantages and disadvantages of personal health record apps for the benefit of patients who operate/use them.

The advent and full acceptance of technology have helped to put the world at our palms, giving us the ability to do things differently and most importantly with ease.

The trend now is tech and it is not restricted to one sector of life but cut across every sector. Its influence and acceptance has it proven record in the health sector which has led to the advent and usage of electronic health record, electronic medical records and personal health record apps.

There used to be a dominant traditional way of keeping patient’s personal health records which involved the usage of paper for documentation but the advent and adoption of personal health record apps came with the gradual eradication of using paper and big files to keep patient’s personal health record.

For every patient who opts for the usage of a personal health record app, there will be no need to carry big files up and down whenever the need comes to use their PHR or transmit it to any healthcare staff.

What Is A Personal Health Record APP | Advantages & Disadvantages Of Personal Health Record APP (PHR)

A personal health record app is simply a mobile-designed application through which an individual keeps every basic information about his or her health and every medical record.

Every right pertaining to the personal health record app is bestowed on the patient, in this case, the patient has the authority on when to share it, whom to share it with, and where to share it, depending on how convenient it is for the patient.

With the personal health record app, the patient will be able to make informed decisions as regards his or her health. Information made available in the personal health record is meant to be managed by the patient.

What Is Personal Health Records?|

Personal health record app gives a clearer picture of an individual’s health status.

Aside from helping to keep health records, the personal health record app also helps to keep tabs on medical appointments and gives room to easily flash back to previous treatment records with the purpose of helping to make informed decisions about the individual’s health.

The demand for personal health record apps is on the high because their usage comes with ease and a lot of convenience.

Personal health record app in its own contribution has given room for patients to actively participate and have well-equipped knowledge about their own health status.

Aside from giving a patient a chance to make health decisions with the help of the PHR app, it also allows making corrections about any medical errors on the personal health record app by the patient.

According to research conducted by Krist et al. and published by PubMed Central, in regards to the acceptance of personal health records among people within the age range of 18 years and 75 years, 28,910 patients out of 112,893 patients created a PHR account and the patients used an average of 59.5 days in the creation of the account.

PubMed Central further revealed that the acceptance of personal health record apps among people of older age, most especially from the age of 60 years is slow and very reluctant due to their slow adaptation to technology or intentional effort not to give consideration to the usage of PHR app.

5 Benefits Of Personal Health Records (PHR)?

Advantages & Disadvantages Of Personal Health Record APP (PHR)

Advantages Of Personal Health Record APP | Advantages & Disadvantages Of Personal Health Record APP (PHR)

Allows Broader Knowledge About Health | Advantages & Disadvantages Of Personal Health Record APP (PHR)

Having access to the operation of a personal health record app to carry all information about your health and medical history will give you the benefit of having broader knowledge about your health status which in turn will help in making objective decisions as regards your health.

Effective Communication with Medical Professionals | Advantages & Disadvantages Of Personal Health Record APP (PHR)

With the aid of a personal health record app, a patient will be able to communicate effectively with medical and healthcare professionals from an informed point of view due to the medical information made available on the PHR app.

Initiation of Changes in Healthcare | Advantages & Disadvantages Of Personal Health Record APP (PHR)


Access to your personal health record app comes with the opportunity and the advantage of making changes as regards your health plan if you are not okay with any of the results you are getting after a particular treatment or the health services you are receiving from a certain medical professional.

Allows Easy Correction of Medical Errors | Advantages & Disadvantages Of Personal Health Record APP (PHR)

It is important to have an error-free personal health record because its impact and consequences might be detrimental and can cause huge damage. To avoid any misinformed information that could lead to the administration of the wrong treatment, the patient can easily make necessary corrections on his or her PHR app.

Disadvantages Of The Personal Health Record APP

Internet Problem

The ability to operate or have access to your personal help record app requires an adequate supply of internet service. In a situation where a patient is in a location with inadequate or no supply of internet service, it will definitely hinder proper usage of the PHR app and might be dangerous in cases of emergency.

Prone to Cyber Attack

According to a study, some Americans are reluctant to opt for the usage of personal health record apps because they feel the safety of their health information on the app is not guaranteed which might result in invasion of their privacy through cyber attacks on the app.

Cost of Operation

For easy access and usage of the personal health record app, a patient is expected to make payment for internet service. Not everyone is financially buoyant enough to afford regular payment for internet service to access their PHR app. This might discourage anyone with little or no financial strength.

Prone to Errors

Advantages & Disadvantages Of Personal Health Record APP (PHR) – Errors can be made while updating information and data on the personal health record app which is capable of misinforming medical professionals and might lead to the administration of the wrong healthcare service to a patient.


The usage of personal health record apps is gaining dominance and enjoying wide acceptance but it is important to pay attention to how it is being used and the Advantages and disadvantages Of Personal Health Record apps (PHR) because using it wrongly or paying less attention to the information on it poses more threats to our health as it also adds more values to how we access healthcare services if it is used rightly.

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