Uberisation Of Health Care In Nigeria

Uberisation Of Health Care means to subject healthcare to a business model in which services are offered on demand through direct contact between a customer and a supplier, usually via mobile technology.
People keep hearing the world is advancing and changing, but they do not seem to understand what this means.
The 21st century brought about many changes in telecommunications, lifestyle, education, transportation, fashion, and even medicine.
Medicine has advanced over the past several decades. At the beginning of the 21st Century, the drugs for curing some diseases were developed, new treatment methods were also developed, and now we are in the era of digitally rendering health care services. This has brought us to the era of Uberisation Of Health Care.
When people think of health care services, what comes to their minds are; nursing, consultation, medical tests, medical report, pharmacy, etc., But what if I told you that all these services can now be offered digitally.
Presently in Nigeria, we have digital organisations that serve as a medium to connect customers with various health care services or health workers. The concept is similar to how ‘Uber’ works, whereby an Uber serves as an online platform that connects customers to various drivers around a geographical location.
This same concept is similar to digital medical service platforms, they basically service as the middlemen between clients and health services, workers and also organisations.
The Concept of Uberisation Of Health Care
The idea is to make the delivery of healthcare services easy and timely. Just like with Uber you don’t need to go to the roadside to wait for a taxi, with digital medical service platforms, you do not need to go to the hospital or clinic to get health care services. These services can be brought to your doorstep. The healthcare services rendered include; telemedicine, home care, medical reports, online medical tests, virtual consultations and so on.
A perfect example of these platforms is ‘MyMedicalBank’, they offer various health care services to different categories such as; individuals, families, and organisations.
It also functions like an online community where various patients can meet with different health care workers such as; nurses, doctors, and lab technicians.
Room is given for private and delicate conversations, in which people may not want to discuss with the community in general.
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www.mymedicalbank.com is Nigeria’s no.1 digital platform that connects consumers with healthcare providers, health information and access to their health records from any location or care setting. For enquiries, go to www.mymedicalbank.com/contact